The “Aw, Shucks!” project was founded by Hunter Willoughby-Spera, an avid diver and conservationist. The project has partnered with local and national conservation groups, including the American Littoral Society, collecting oyster shells from local New Jersey restaurants to help restore our waterways and coastlines creating a healthier ecosystem.
Oysters shells are a renewable resource that provides a natural filtration system, eating algae and cleaning up to 50 gallons of water per day. Instead of chucking shucks, we now collect them and return them to their natural habitat in New Jersey’s bays.
Our current participating restaurants include Max's Seafood Cafe and Chubby's Steakhouse, both located along the Delaware River in Gloucester City, NJ.
If your organization would like to participate or if you would like to volunteer for the "Aw, Shucks!" project, please email for details.
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